Sunday, December 2, 2012

NYPD - A Simple Act Of Kindness

Lawrence DiPrimo - A Simple Act Of Kindness.
In this day and age of: Utter Spiritual Darkness and Increasing Societal Brutality - most frequently, being perpetrated by those in positions of true authority and power - we, occasionally, still witness the exact opposite... and, such was the case with Officer Lawrence DePrimo of Long Island, N.Y. In fact, ' His Own Act Of Simple Human Kindness ' stands in remarkable contrast to the majority of his own everyday peers!  

Why don't we, just watch it, for ourselves....

America In Prophecy

An Act Of Kindness [ 2012 ] - by: 
ABC News.

Love Is An Action: Not, An Emotion

Forrest Gump - understands: " What Love Is "!
As Officer Lawrence DiPrimo can spiritually testify: " Love Is An Action; And, Not An Emotion "... and, whether we realize it or not: " The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth " - just as The Scriptures have [ continually ] promised to us. You see, dear children, ' There Isn't Gonna Be Any Rapture ' - since, as The Word can [ so readily ] tell you: " There Isn't Any Rest For The Wicked "! At least, if you would actually read it, for yourselves.... 

So, why did Officer DiPrimo [ honestly ] do that ' One Simple Act Of Human Kindness '? Let's now, just examine His Own Answer To This Very Interesting Question....
America In Prophecy

DiPrimo's Explanation [ 2012 ] - by: 
The Associated Press.

Ultimately, Lawrence DiPrimo is the one type of: " Peace Officer " - who is honestly worthy of our own mutual respect! In fact, we need to [ truthfully ]: Honor, Respect, Look Out For, and Cultivate - A Few Million More, just like him... Don't, you think? So, what does: " Lawrence DiPrimo " - actually, mean? It actually means: " The One Wrapped In Laurel And The Prime Example To All Of The Others "... and, yet once again, it's just like The Scriptures have already continuously told you:
" A Good Name Is Rather To Be Chosen, Than Precious Silver Or Gold! "
Now, Isn't That Simple?

The Truth - is never Properly Valued!
More importantly, however, Officer Lawrence DiPrimo has actually provided An Important Example To All Of Us! Rather than mocking those who are less fortunate than ourselves, like the ones who drew Officer DiPrimo's personal attention to this homeless man's own situation, ' We Have Been Commanded To Actively Assist Them By Every Means Possible '. You see, dear brothers and sisters, We Have Been Commanded To Exhibit Love - just like, Our Own Spiritual Father... and, if we're not doing that, then we're the ones who shall die!

After All, It's Been Very Plainly Written:

" It Is The Meek, Who Shall Inherit The Earth! "

Just so that you know, The Undertaker Is Already Here... but, fortunately for most of you, He's Currently Still On Vacation! And, while America is preparing to meet him, why don't we watch one more excellent video... after all, " Our Own Lives Have Always Been Predicated Upon The Process Of Growth ".

America In Prophecy

The Chain Of Kindness - by: 

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's Own: Love and Peace - be, continually, upon you!


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